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  1. Esteban

    Top 5 actors that you've SEEN

    Here's mine then: Chris Bale Kjelle Bergqvist Mikael Persbrandt De Niro Pacino :tup:
  2. Esteban

    Top 5 actors that you've SEEN

    I am wondering who'll be the first to pull the C Ronaldo joke.
  3. Esteban

    Top 5 actors that you've SEEN

    At first it looked to me like you were saying he was wrong when infact it is his opinion and it can't be right or wrong. But I see now what you were actually saying, so fair enough.
  4. Esteban

    Top 5 actors that you've SEEN

    I fail to see the use of this thread if one isn't allowed to chose from more than those names that have already been mentioned by everyone.