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  1. Osman

    Amantino Mancini

    The Inter game...I praised him at first for his initiative, but quickly I noticed he was dancing around Maicon with his weird river dance footwork instead of actually go anywhere. He was highly ineffective, he tried and hold the ball, but whent NOWHERE. I guess one was more impressed in the...
  2. Osman

    Amantino Mancini

    I live in the glorious Stenhagen. But I'm a true Storvretabo though due to living there all the time until 2 years ago. I hope to God we dont have the same discussion we are having of Palladino next season but this time talk about Marchiso. Hopefully he breakthroughs and establishes himself...
  3. Osman

    Amantino Mancini

    True I came off harsh in tone, but IMO my judgement isnt, I believe all of us know the obvious of what I said and agree,just that some of us are too overly optimistic and dont want to acknowledge the obvious. I was only sounding harsh to open the eyes of those who argue against reality and bend...
  4. Osman

    Amantino Mancini

    Seriously, no reason to continue this if the best you can do is Nedved is miles ahead of Mancini (wasnt just 3 games, in the fall alot of fans wanted him benched due to his poor performances, Nedved has knack for big moments, but a player like him is finished when there is ALOT of time between...
  5. Osman

    Amantino Mancini

    Exactly, its that simple. If he was a player we bought, and one who isnt pampered with the italian primavera talent treatment, we would have sold him without any hesitation (or loaned til he doesnt come back) after dissapointing this much.
  6. Osman

    Amantino Mancini

    Where does he move? The only other place to move him is to the bench. Because you arent suggesting you play Palla ahead of our 3 great strikers do you? (Palla played striker from the start in 3 games this season I remember, he has been USELESS in them). Palla doesnt work anywhere to...
  7. Osman

    Amantino Mancini

    He has gotten lots of chances, and he has shown zilch. You know it, we all do. He is about to finish his second season with the team, and has shown he is not good enough. We all wish he did well and prove himself, but he is NOT. And Ranieri has ZILCH blame with Palla not being good enough. I...
  8. Osman

    Amantino Mancini

    Well Azzurri77 has, obviously. Wasnt addressing you. Its bizzare to compare them even, but he said Palladino has given more performances then Roma's second best attacking force. Then why, pray tell, havent Juve gained anything from these alleged performances of Palladino ;)
  9. Osman

    Amantino Mancini

    How has Mancini been below average? Roma are the second team in the league, and besides Totti, he is their best weapon. How can they be 2nd when their second best attackers are below average? (so you say him scoring and deciding games for them, with performances like against Lyon, is nothing...
  10. Osman

    Amantino Mancini

    How? Its a very simple thing to answer, how? Not only comparing these two ludicrously apart in quality players, but Mancini on his own, in the last months except for few weeks now, they lived off Mancini scoring and doing everything for them when Totti was gone. They didnt go nowhere in games...
  11. Osman

    Amantino Mancini

    Sorry, but there is not a single basis to say this hogwash. The only thing that may make someone to think this ludicrous notion is you expect the world from Mancini and get dissapointed when you dont see him deliver all the time, while Palla you dont expect shit and get impressed with the little...
  12. Osman

    Amantino Mancini

    Does these folks share the same asylum?
  13. Osman

    Amantino Mancini

    You have to say in all honesty before saying Mancini is better then Palla? :D Like there even was a seconds doubt of Palla not being in his league whatsoever. I think that dude was joking when saying Palla is better, to even think it is funny.
  14. Osman

    Amantino Mancini

    He has 3 caps for NT, all friendlies, doing little. His only really special season is 2005-2006, he was good, thats it. Otherwise rest of his career he showed promise but proven zilch in overall. Not even close to Mancini.
  15. Osman

    Amantino Mancini

    I have been here longer then you ;) :D (actually signed up in 2000, but due to the monthly glitches hehe, resigned totally over). You used to post in XT right? Our transfer thread is dead without its inside man/transfer guru ;) Love the avatar :D
  16. Osman

    Amantino Mancini

    Hehe not really posted enough to care about an av, and generally lazy, but while testing the size of an avatar by trying it on this forum (but not planning to use it), I happend to see that Baggio pic. I was just mesmerized and struck by huge wave of nostalgia. Not because its him only, but...
  17. Osman

    Amantino Mancini

    Thats a fucking insanely ridicolous thing to say... Which is too common in this forum because too many are bizzarely biased. I wouldnt be suprised if I saw someone say Birendelli is as good as Ramos or something. Ok I would be, but damn way too much ignorantly biased crap.
  18. Osman

    Amantino Mancini

    Yes, wouldnt be against saying him at all. But if one has to criticise, its those things I mentionned plus his bad lazy attitude. But in general what type of player he is, he is a direct attacking midfielder who mostly shines in counters ( most effective on the run, if against a recovered...
  19. Osman

    Amantino Mancini

    Dont really like him. Excellent attacking midfielder. Though realies alot on others to create for him, totally just direct player who counters and runs mainly, cant create much or any by himself or for others as much.