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  1. Seven

    Serie A: Parma vs Juventus [November 11 2007]

    I'll start of by stating I haven't seen the game. I had a game myself, so I couldn't see Juve play myself. But I do belief that Del Piero has been below average all season and that Palladino has been played out of position all season. I can only concur with other when they say that Palla, at...
  2. Seven

    Serie A: Parma vs Juventus [November 11 2007]

    What do you mean? For you there's always a game on.
  3. Seven

    Serie A: Parma vs Juventus [November 11 2007]

    You two are really starting to bug me, so I'll end this once and for all. 1. Fine, delpiero06, if a forum is all about stating your opinion, I state that I think it is an absolute miracle you managed to learn how to write. That said, I don't think that's a good thing, because quite honestly...