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  1. Seven

    Juventus Pictures 2007/2008

    I'm ripping on you, I'm not ripping on Americans. I'm quite fond of Burke and I never say anything to degrade The Pado or swag. I just can't stand you. And you does not equal America.
  2. Seven

    Juventus Pictures 2007/2008

    Trust me, the intent was quite racist.
  3. Seven

    Juventus Pictures 2007/2008

    So Zlatan is receiving a neutral comment from thousands of Juve fans, who hate his guts because he went to Inter our archenemies?
  4. Seven

    Juventus Pictures 2007/2008

    As much as I dislike Zlatan I simply cannot condone racism. Sure, I know Italian tifosi like to taunt and yes, most of it is a game, but seriously, now is a bad time to call people "zingaro".