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  1. Serie A clubs agree TV rights deal

    as the article says 15% to sporting tradition of previous five years so how can such a calculation be made
  2. Serie A clubs agree TV rights deal

    is it true more than two third of italy support juve
  3. Serie A clubs agree TV rights deal

    Milan's Juve fan club proud to be different By Mark Meadows MILAN, Oct 31 (Reuters) - Real Madrid fans from Barcelona are seldom seen and Manchester United supporters born in Liverpool are just as rare. In Milan, though, a Juventus supporters' club is thriving with around 630 members. They...
  4. Serie A clubs agree TV rights deal

    juve tv income will go down drastically
  5. Serie A clubs agree TV rights deal

    Serie A clubs agree TV rights deal Tuesday 30 October, 2007 Serie A clubs have agreed on the division of pay-per-view television rights money after a marathon nine-hour meeting. The debate had threatened to cause a schism between the big sides and the smaller outfits that worried...