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  1. Rami

    OpenMoko - Free Your Phone

    Damn you Micheal Burke. Didn't think of that :oops: I was already daydreaming of the perfect slashdot headline :D
  2. Rami

    OpenMoko - Free Your Phone

    Then install a tracking device on your car keys linked with the phone, so when you drink a certain amount and the car keys is less than 1 meter close to you, the phone scrambles the electronic circuits in the keys so the car doesn't start :D Solution for drunk driving :D V 1.03
  3. Rami

    OpenMoko - Free Your Phone

    Or we could design an arm pouch, where we put the phone in. Using the accelerometer, it should calculate how many swigs you take. Multiply it by 200 ml or whatever average you decide...and you got yourself an app...and much more applicable than yours :P
  4. Rami

    OpenMoko - Free Your Phone

    Kick ass :lol:...all of it is applicable, but how the hell will it calculate how much beer you consume??
  5. Rami

    OpenMoko - Free Your Phone

    The phone itself is not free of course. But the software inside it is absolutely free (Think freedom of speech and in most cases free beer). The idea is that you can tinker around with it with no restrictions from the vendor. Think of the iPhone and how it is "jailed" right now and you can't...
  6. Rami

    OpenMoko - Free Your Phone

    In addition to Gray's input I would add: (he mentioned it but not in the list) Would also check out and/or ...most novel technological advances make it to the first pages. Phoronix is a bit to geeky, from knowing you Hamid I...
  7. Rami

    OpenMoko - Free Your Phone

    You can change that :D Some interesting stuff in the wish list:
  8. Rami

    OpenMoko - Free Your Phone

    Thats pretty neat, albeit the geekiest thing I ever heard!!
  9. Rami

    OpenMoko - Free Your Phone

    Ya I have been following this phone for quite sometime now...I just can't wait to get my hands on it. I actually thought of getting the developers version, but decided against it. It has been in the developers stage for quite some while, and I am growing a bit impatient. I am worried that all...