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  1. Rami

    Why Martin is all giddy about Ubuntu

    Errm I don't think that has to do with Marketing. It's more political. M16 after all IS an American product. Certain "benefits" come with certain "sacrifices".
  2. Rami

    Why Martin is all giddy about Ubuntu

    This will def change in the long run. I mean most people think computer=Windows, actually they don't know that there is a difference, its one item thats it! But within the next 20 or 30 years our generation which is much more computer literate will essentially rule the world, business-wise and...
  3. Rami

    Why Martin is all giddy about Ubuntu

    Wine, Cedega, Vmware, Virtualbox...are all different forms of "emulation". Don't worry about them, they are not essential to Linux. However, about the different versions (Use distros, short for distributions, sounds much cooler), yes you have 100's of versions. But essentially you have 4 or 5...
  4. Rami

    Why Martin is all giddy about Ubuntu

    Well advertising is def a must, but its not the reason of MS's domination. However, the recent influx of Apple could be attributed to smart marketing and advertising. MS's domination comes from a more basic level....Vendors!
  5. Rami

    Why Martin is all giddy about Ubuntu

    Yes you can. You can dual boot...Ubuntu should make that a breeze, you wouldn't even notice it in the installation process. Well I got rid of Windows totally too, but I had it for the first couple of month just in case, not that I used it, but it was there....
  6. Rami

    Why Martin is all giddy about Ubuntu

    It's the best idea actually, we all did it that way (or at least me)...
  7. Rami

    Why Martin is all giddy about Ubuntu

    Haven't we all? It's only normal that once we feel more comfortable that we would explore greener pastures, but that doesn't mean to berate the distro that actually took you by the hand and taught you how to walk ;). I for one am still downloading Ubuntu and testing it out and following it's...
  8. Rami

    Why Martin is all giddy about Ubuntu

    TBH, if you are a gamer and can't part with your PC games, then I wouldn't suggest switching and banking on "Virtualization". Rather, I would suggest that you keep your gaming rig solely for games and all the other stuff Linux.... As for virtualization, what Jack said. Where you have a program...
  9. Rami

    Why Martin is all giddy about Ubuntu

    You probably can, there must be a crack or something like that out there. I remember cracking NeroLinux (it sucks!). Anyways, I wouldn't crack it if I were you, these guys are offering good software for us and I think we should support them. Well ya Ubuntu is Linux. As well as Fedora, Suse...
  10. Rami

    Why Martin is all giddy about Ubuntu

    Ultimate control!
  11. Rami

    Why Martin is all giddy about Ubuntu

    Don't know, but I don't think so....nothing is exact :D But I would suspect a drop in the frame rate...
  12. Rami

    Why Martin is all giddy about Ubuntu

    Get Cedega :D
  13. Rami

    Why Martin is all giddy about Ubuntu

    Ahh revolution is in the air!! For real, with Gutsy, it has raised a couple of eyebrows. I don't wanna go as far as saying it's the "tipping point", but I really think Ubuntu has got a winning formula.... Aren't there problems in installing software in Windows? personally I faced a lot back...