Search results

  1. Jose Mourinho. Do we need him?

    Would we though? Man City spent even more money than Juve did, and under Sven are currently sitting in a three-way tie for fourth, but conversely 3 points out of 8th place too. I'm aware that Serie A isn't as tight as EPL... but Ranieri has us in the CL by 5 points and UEFA by 12 points. Sven...
  2. Jose Mourinho. Do we need him?

    Is Ranieri the man for the future? Probably not... but he took the challenge on when no one else of similar accomplishment would. Lippi brushed us off like a red-headed step child, while Ranieri jumped on board. Lets not forget, most teams would be pretty damaged if they were without their...
  3. Jose Mourinho. Do we need him?

    Honestly? Not right now, maybe in a year or two. Mourinho is best suited to coaching developed teams with a lot of stars and a lot of ego... his own drowning theirs out. Juventus is rebuilding with something to prove and therefore need a coach who can rebuild fast and is excellent with...