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  1. ZhiXin

    [Friendly] Roma vs. Juventus - August 11

    There is always the gym
  2. ZhiXin

    [Friendly] Roma vs. Juventus - August 11

    And of course credits go to Zalayeta as well, he may seem useless to fans, but when you need him he does his job. I thank Ranieri for appreciating the effectiveness of Zalayeta in times of games like this. Thanks for the goal Zala
  3. ZhiXin

    [Friendly] Roma vs. Juventus - August 11

    Sweet victory, nice performance for Juventus, team is beginning to gel and shape up, if the defence gels up we will be the team to watch in time. And I just love Nedved and his never-say-die spirit, to think that he stood up against Mexes. Mexes will be another Roma player to add oil to the...