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  1. Midzata®

    Choosing a laptop.

    Probably I'll throw few extra bucks and I will take the Sony with 2GB RAM... I mean I won't buy laptop every year, and probably I won't try to upgrade it, I'll just buy new one when my old one will fail my expectations. And cheap stock is more expencive than the expencier stock. Caz you'll...
  2. Midzata®

    Choosing a laptop.

    Thanks for the infos guys. You really helped a lot!!! I wonder if I should look on ebay for some stufs, I'm sure i can find good deal but is it reliable?!? I think this: Brand: Acer Hard Drive Capacity: 160 GB Screen Size: 15 inches Processor Type: Intel Core Duo Operating System...
  3. Midzata®

    Choosing a laptop.

    Hi, haven't write lately but I just can't find time. I'm in US now, and I have problem selecting a laptop. Caz I work in Vermot, fu*king place doesn't have stores, peoples, fun or good food. Everything's plastic... A! Back on topic. I am looking for an adivce what kind of laptop should...