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  1. [EU] Champions League 2007/2008

    I wonder why some forumer here can;t bear to see other ppl support certain teams and wanna make a mockery out of them? ppl wanna support barcelona, MU, Chelski, support 1 team, 2 teams,3,4,5,6, N teams, that's their business, their rights, so let them be and live ur own life!! Great pulsating...
  2. [EU] Champions League 2007/2008

    well, u never know..the stack is too high... what make u so sure all the ref r clean? all the players??? football is multibillion buisness now with gambling companies involved deeply with this buisness.. impossible is nothing
  3. [EU] Champions League 2007/2008

    we always heard how poor the refererring in premiership is, who knows at the highest level of European Football, laughable/inconsistent mistake exist.. it's time to do something about it, or else what's d point? Ref been given too much authority, one decision can change the complex of the...
  4. [EU] Champions League 2007/2008

    Why Liverpool always involve in controvesies? Why?? Last time against Chelski, whether the goal was crossed the line or not then Del Piero's header was ruled out for nothing 1st leg penalty not given 2nd leg dubious penalty given I am not rooting for Gunners or what but it's really sad to...
  5. [EU] Champions League 2007/2008

    Damn, i just love that one :D You brighten up my day pal.. I like MU, i cheer for them in the epl but my love is for Juventus..if Juve goes against MU, definitely I cheer for Juve..I know there's ppl who support one team in each and single league, it's their freedom, as long as they don;t...