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  1. [EU] Champions League 2007/2008

    OMFG that is quality. :lol:
  2. [EU] Champions League 2007/2008

    Shit manager who wasn’t even good enough for Portsmouth. And they sold Capaca to Newcastle… Wasn’t he there captain?
  3. [EU] Champions League 2007/2008

    Dida is absolutely laughable. Yeah the fan shouldn’t have been on the pitch, but not only did the fans hand not touch his face, it was a minor cheeky slap. One that a 3 year old could have done harder if given the chance. Give the fan a fine or ban him from games, and let’s all laugh at Dida...
  4. [EU] Champions League 2007/2008

    Two. Lol :lol:
  5. [EU] Champions League 2007/2008

    Just reasonably excited as none of them benefits Juve. But still, reasonably excited.
  6. [EU] Champions League 2007/2008

    Very pleased with all the results tonight. :)
  7. [EU] Champions League 2007/2008

    Valencia look brilliant in attack but in defence they look very shaky. I’d say they are the better team just about.
  8. [EU] Champions League 2007/2008

    I’m hoping for a Chelsea win tonight. I reckon it’ll be a great game to watch! I reckon 3-1 with David Villa scoring for Valencia, and then 1 for Shevchenko, and 2 for Drogba for Chelsea.
  9. [EU] Champions League 2007/2008

    I’m not so sure if this makes it good for Italian Football. But let’s say Roma are the 3rd or 4th best team in Serie A, and Manchester United are 1st in the Premiership. Well if Roma beats Manchester United, theoretically doesn’t that mean that Serie A is a better league than the Premiership...
  10. [EU] Champions League 2007/2008

    My thoughts exactly. :shifty:
  11. [EU] Champions League 2007/2008

    Nice finish by Rooney. I will still stick with my prediction of 1-1.
  12. [EU] Champions League 2007/2008

    Agreed. Not only are they boring they have no enthusiasm as well. Roma are looking relatively comfortable at the moment. I reckon it will finish 1-1 with Mancini and Saha scoring.