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  1. Eire

    Rosicky to Juve if Nedved says no

    i know you were only joking im an easy going guy anyway. for the czech side he always plays in the centre and imo he characteristics are more suited to this role. ok maybe the comparasion to pirlo is slightly over the top but either way i think we are agreed he would be a great acquisition...
  2. Eire

    Rosicky to Juve if Nedved says no

    if you watch rosicky for the czech rep or in his sparta prague or dortmund days he is involved in all the play sitting deep picking the ball up off the centre backs starting plays, good passer vision and football brain constantly wants to be involved in the play always showing and demanding the...
  3. Eire

    Rosicky to Juve if Nedved says no

    rosicky is the nearest to pirlo that juve could ever sign, he runs the show for the czech rep, aresenal usually play gilberto and csec in the centre midfield and usuallu play rosicky out of position on the right or left flank where he is not as effective. but can still produce the goods...