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  1. Lion

    Official: Jorge Andrade to Juve.

    there is ony one defender worth splashing +20 million euros for and that is Terry.
  2. Lion

    Official: Jorge Andrade to Juve.

    he was the coffee boy for Moggi :D :P To be honest I have no idea what he did for them.
  3. Lion

    Official: Jorge Andrade to Juve.

    Well Secco was working under Moggi before the whole circus happened last year. To see if the player has any injury that would prevent him for playing. You don't want to sign a player only to have him be injured for 6 months. Also to check for other things like Drug use.
  4. Lion

    Official: Jorge Andrade to Juve.

    I can't believe that an unofficial site for a club is better than Juve's official English site. Oh the Horror!!!!:cry: