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    The Gabriel Milito Saga - Part II

    i really dont understand why so many people are still mentioning cassano , i would have loved to have him 3 seasons ago , but his actions in these 3 seasons were enough to prove to me what kind of player he is . He was never a juventino , actually had totti as his role model . enough said.
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    The Gabriel Milito Saga - Part II

    canna wil definetely not join juve , coboli said its very unlikely and the guy's just too old . i don't think canna can give anymore than he all ready had
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    The Gabriel Milito Saga - Part II

    true true
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    The Gabriel Milito Saga - Part II

    so juve have spent 33million till now , they said their transfer budget is from 50 million to maybe 60 , they offer 17 million to milito , that makes 50 million and juve have finished all their transfer money
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    The Gabriel Milito Saga - Part II

    deco to juve ?.. hmm...... he is on the market , juve need an offensive midfielder , juve begin talks with barca. no , he wont come
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    The Gabriel Milito Saga - Part II

    here's my prediction : Milito will not go to barcelona
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    The Gabriel Milito Saga - Part II

    logically they probably won't . Chivu has been linked with real , inter , and barcelona . So barca might not even get him
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    The Gabriel Milito Saga - Part II

    yes but barca could always live up to being the new " real " and sign both players .
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    The Gabriel Milito Saga - Part II

    I don't believe all this " if zargoza sell milito to barca then they will be strengthening their rivals ..." teams that are rivals are teams that always finish close to each other in the league rankings , or all always facing each other in the final of some cup .. etc i don't think zaragoza...
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    The Gabriel Milito Saga - Part II

    I think milito's style of play is exactly what juve needs in defence , he kind of reminds me of cannavaro . he plays with a lot of heart , has rough tackles , and is a naturally born defensive leader , right now i wouldnt rather get anyone else but i sincerely hope zaragoza make their fucking...
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    The Gabriel Milito Saga - Part II

    sounds good too :D
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    The Gabriel Milito Saga - Part II

    hehe ... You forgot forming another assasination squad to wipe out every single inter fan from this planet
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    The Gabriel Milito Saga - Part II

    as long as u keep making those touching and heartfelt speeches then you will definetely have my vote . :eyebrows: but creating groups like " hope u die ...... " and so on.... can't be good for gaining popularity . just a tip:P
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    The Gabriel Milito Saga - Part II

    You WILL make a great poltician . you have my word:D
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    The Gabriel Milito Saga - Part II

    i don't know who it was but around 2 weeks ago someone said the exact same thing . amazing !!!