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  1. V

    The Gabriel Milito Saga - Part II

    I can tell you in less than 24 seconds that he's not gonna sign with us.
  2. V

    The Gabriel Milito Saga - Part II

    Not the brightest of fellas, is he?
  3. V

    The Gabriel Milito Saga - Part II

    Yeah but that's a good thing. Chivu can play LB and CB, Ramos can play CB and RB, Helguera can play CB and DMC, leaving only Cannavaro and Metzelder as true CB's. Lot of options which is good considering there are many games to play and the injury factor.
  4. V

    The Gabriel Milito Saga - Part II

    Indeed, I doubt they're gonna leave him on the bench. You forgot Helguera but with all of them you got a pretty impressive and solid back line which you can easily rotate.
  5. V

    The Gabriel Milito Saga - Part II

    Cannavaro still has a whole lot to offer, whoever thinks otherwise is a schmuck.
  6. V

    The Gabriel Milito Saga - Part II

    I could live with that scenario, plus it would be easier on our pockets.
  7. V

    The Gabriel Milito Saga - Part II

    We are NOT gonna sign Milito. Deal with it folks.
  8. V

    The Gabriel Milito Saga - Part II

    I'm not crying and don't take it personally, it's just something that's really beginning to irritate the hell out of me.
  9. V

    The Gabriel Milito Saga - Part II

    I was reffering to memo (the last post on the previous page).
  10. V

    The Gabriel Milito Saga - Part II

    I think it's pretty obvious judging from my location. Anyway it doesn't matter really, point is if you're posting something in a foreign language on this site, and Italian is foreign, you should post a short translation, one sentence at least.
  11. V

    The Gabriel Milito Saga - Part II

    Znam, to sam namjerno stavio jer mi je pun kurac ljudi da postaju jebene clanke na talijanskom. No I don't, but I'm sick and tired of people posting articles in Italian and not bothering to write even the shortest translation. This is a English speaking site, writing in Italian is the same...
  12. V

    The Gabriel Milito Saga - Part II

    Fuck it. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Milito do petka potpisuje Čini se da je Argentinac Gabriel Milito iz Real Zaragoze vrlo blizu potpisivanja ugovora s Juventusom, rekao je predsjednik Juventusa Giovanni Coboli Gigli nakon...