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  1. Dukoski

    The Gabriel Milito Saga - Part II

    Stop the tread at once. He is a Barca player now!!!
  2. Dukoski

    The Gabriel Milito Saga - Part II

    Like I pointed out previously. We have been shown as a second rate byuers . Waiting in the shadow and hoping Barca not to do the move. It is not Juve that I want to be. And from which team. Third rate team like Zaragoza. Shit.
  3. Dukoski

    The Gabriel Milito Saga - Part II

    [/B] With former tennis tournament manager(Blanc), middle rated car bussines manager(Giggli),and inexperienced prick (Secco) I really doubt that. I want to be in mistake . . . . .
  4. Dukoski

    The Gabriel Milito Saga - Part II

    All I want to say is that it is very insulting for Juve as a giant club to wait Barca's decision. No way. Does not matter since when we desire Milito. This way is not Juve way. Oh Moggi we will definitely miss you.
  5. Dukoski

    The Gabriel Milito Saga - Part II

    I do not want be a member of any group. It is insulting enough to be a member of a group for him. He is enexperienced,stupid,little cocroach who thinks that he might mess with the big cats. So being a group member is like giving hime some attention,which he does not deserve.
  6. Dukoski

    The Gabriel Milito Saga - Part II

    I can not believe what I read! Almost everyone says,like,"if Barca buy Chivu,than Milito is ours???? F..k. Since when Juve becomes a second rate byer. Since fucking Secco is leading the transfer politics.Stupid amateur. So ,now it seems that we have to wait till Barca makes their decision...