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  1. Badass J Elkann

    The Gabriel Milito Saga - Part II

    work placement in europe as part of my course so its gona be really long hours, meaning limited juve :(
  2. Badass J Elkann

    The Gabriel Milito Saga - Part II

    mwahaha i rule the roost here late at night/early morning :D i think we shud be posting this stuff in the off topic thread, cuz i dont actually wanna be banned :D
  3. Badass J Elkann

    The Gabriel Milito Saga - Part II

    :cry: but im going away for a year in a few weeks so before i leave just want to make a final impression - hopefully a more positive in comparison to the negative impression some/most think i have
  4. Badass J Elkann

    The Gabriel Milito Saga - Part II

    lol its funny u say that as im wearing a superman t shirt :lol:
  5. Badass J Elkann

    The Gabriel Milito Saga - Part II

    sorry i meant "im sure", it is kinda getting late so excuse me :P
  6. Badass J Elkann

    The Gabriel Milito Saga - Part II

    well im bettega did have alot of influence on transfer negotiations and renewals. but like i said i will judge secco properly now bettega is gone, and i just hope for the sake of juve he proves me wrong dont worry some fool bought it off me on ebay :lol:
  7. Badass J Elkann

    The Gabriel Milito Saga - Part II

    ok, grazie bettega ;)
  8. Badass J Elkann

    The Gabriel Milito Saga - Part II

    secco can learn his trade with fiorentina, id sooner we hired sum1 who has been in this business for years, sum1 with contacts and experience, not an amateur who is the joke of the transfer world
  9. Badass J Elkann

    The Gabriel Milito Saga - Part II

    oddo must be dying to get his clippers out :D
  10. Badass J Elkann

    The Gabriel Milito Saga - Part II

    so thats how he ended up with such a dreadful hair style
  11. Badass J Elkann

    The Gabriel Milito Saga - Part II

    i think with the right environment hes good enough, i admired how he handled the pressure of the wc, comming on as a sub with 10 men and played with a cool and calm head, and with the quality around him, recently the changes in management, and zamparini's big mouth hasnt at all helped barzagli...
  12. Badass J Elkann

    The Gabriel Milito Saga - Part II

    milito im sure wants to leave there was sumthing said about his zaragoza cycle being at an end, and it will be only a matter of time before zaragoza will have to compromise
  13. Badass J Elkann

    The Gabriel Milito Saga - Part II

    i personally think they shud be starting him and give maldini/nesta more of a rest
  14. Badass J Elkann

    The Gabriel Milito Saga - Part II

    i want barzagli so i can hear zamparini moan and squeal like a whore when we batter palermo and moan about how he regrets selling him like he did with toni
  15. Badass J Elkann

    The Gabriel Milito Saga - Part II

    i cant see us buying barzagli, secco underestimated palermo. i like kaladze but it wasnt like milan wud ever sell him to us
  16. Badass J Elkann

    The Gabriel Milito Saga - Part II

    its said that even barca's bid is not good enough and are after kaladze :D
  17. Badass J Elkann

    The Gabriel Milito Saga - Part II

    just give him his own section on the forum and lock him in there :P
  18. Badass J Elkann

    The Gabriel Milito Saga - Part II

    lol are u implying that madrid and barca will battle it out and will make a thread of that too?
  19. Badass J Elkann

    The Gabriel Milito Saga - Part II

    but there was only 2 threads :P
  20. Badass J Elkann

    The Gabriel Milito Saga - Part II

    so i guess maher (m_whatever) wins :(