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  1. Lion

    The Official Jean-Alain Boumsong Thread (Lyon)

    why are people shocked that he wants to play in the NT for the Euro 08? have you forgotten who the douche in charge of the French team is?
  2. Lion

    The Official Jean-Alain Boumsong Thread (Lyon)

    well.... ManU : Silvestre (ok not exactly a CB, but he played there) Arsenal: Cygan Barca: Oleguer (when they used him there and not as a RB) New Castle: Titus Bramble (okay New Catle is not exactly top side but still...) however Boumsong really takes the cake here :D
  3. Lion

    The Official Jean-Alain Boumsong Thread (Lyon)

    and knowing that Legro is injured 11 months a year we are screwed.
  4. Lion

    The Official Jean-Alain Boumsong Thread (Lyon)

    pffffffft. Valencia better pay up big money or he is not for sale. unless it's a swap deal with David Villa!
  5. Lion

    The Official Jean-Alain Boumsong Thread (Lyon)

    See Boumsong isn't useless. I like him alot. He gets a alot of crap from the fans but he's not arrogant and he knows the limits of his abilities. I would not mind having him be on our bench next season. Not a starter though.
  6. Lion

    The Official Jean-Alain Boumsong Thread (Lyon)

    I never said he was good. I said he was entertainning.
  7. Lion

    The Official Jean-Alain Boumsong Thread (Lyon)

    Forza Boumsong. He's entertainning.
  8. Lion

    The Official Jean-Alain Boumsong Thread (Lyon)

    we can do a summer sale special! Buy Zebina get Boumsong free! or buy Legrotagglie and get 50% off of Zalayeta! :D
  9. Lion

    The Official Jean-Alain Boumsong Thread (Lyon)

    I think the promise of a 1st team place if more less to not unsettle Boumsong. The guy is already a crapppy defender + we don't need him to play any crappier so he must be assured of a team place...atleast until the end of the season then we wil see.
  10. Lion

    The Official Jean-Alain Boumsong Thread (Lyon)

    I don't mind keeping him around...but only as 4th choice CB. I doubt he would complain too much and I doubt his wages are that high. At least he's not injured 11 months a year like legro and Tudor