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  1. Badass J Elkann

    Official: Kapo to Birmingham City/Bonnefoi to Dijon

    well 3 mill for kapo, most likely another 3.5 for miccoli, building up our diego war chest :)
  2. Badass J Elkann

    Official: Kapo to Birmingham City/Bonnefoi to Dijon

    i only want him just to piss off stuttgart - oh the irony :D payback is a bitch bring the timonator :)
  3. Badass J Elkann

    Official: Kapo to Birmingham City/Bonnefoi to Dijon

    cuz carboni wanted to bring him, but he got sacked soon after, so the deal fell thru, or so im lead to believe, since the management wont seem keen to bring him
  4. Badass J Elkann

    Official: Kapo to Birmingham City/Bonnefoi to Dijon

    yes he was talented, but injury plagued, his hospital bills just ran up unecessary costs, and quite frankly we have no room for him at juve anymore. juve is not a club for him, birmingham will suit him fine im sure
  5. Badass J Elkann

    Official: Kapo to Birmingham City/Bonnefoi to Dijon

    he wasnt that bad wen he played, just injury plagued
  6. Badass J Elkann

    Official: Kapo to Birmingham City/Bonnefoi to Dijon

    hmmm butt, i used to like him wen bayer were good. fontana is ok did quite well for chievo hildebrand? since his move to valencia has collapsed
  7. Badass J Elkann

    Official: Kapo to Birmingham City/Bonnefoi to Dijon

    and with chimi apparently at udinese, ranieri is still adament on finding a suitable num 2, is trini good enough?