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    Antonio Nocerino back to Juve and...

    Grygera wil play at CB , that's for sure .

    Antonio Nocerino back to Juve and...

    sh*t !! , he deserve to get a chance in Juve after the performance we saw from him last season . anyway mark did you know what's last news about Paolucci ? i heard he also will go to Udinese !! i hope thats not true :disagree: . they have a lot strikers .. i don't think he will...

    Antonio Nocerino back to Juve and...

    JUVENTUS, NOCERINO turns out Palermo's offer? Posted 05.07 07.52 by Marco Gori Palermo has tried to insert in the negotiation to engage striker Fabrizio Miccoli also midfielder Antonio Nocerino, but tha player has refused the transfer to Sicily. Probably he is still waiting for...