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  1. Lion

    New Juve coach, who do you want?

    No. You got owned by me and thus are trying desperately to get yourself out of this situation but you know your trapped because you are arguing with me. Your attempts at trying to be cool and laid back and showing you don't care by putting smilies in your posts doesn't fool me. Don't even try to...
  2. Lion

    New Juve coach, who do you want?

    yes you did
  3. Lion

    New Juve coach, who do you want?

    Fa Cup League cup. so what you are saying that no good coacoh can lose? Get real every coach will lose regardless of the team they have. and before you go on about him failing with Chelsea, perhaps you should know that he has won 4 league titles in a row (2with Chelsea and 2 with Porto) plus...
  4. Lion

    New Juve coach, who do you want?

    Mourinho to start a dynasty at Juve would be my dream.