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  1. Ahmed

    New Juve coach, who do you want?

    1 - Lippi 2 - Mourinho 3 - Eriksson
  2. Ahmed

    New Juve coach, who do you want?

    haha looks like we have bought or will buy 7 players this summer...tfeh something stinks...must be the bullshit
  3. Ahmed

    New Juve coach, who do you want?

    says mercato = player transfers
  4. Ahmed

    New Juve coach, who do you want?

    Ciro = Lippi's lackey? but has no experience...
  5. Ahmed

    New Juve coach, who do you want?

    we didn't trust DD for Serie A so how can we give Conte the job...
  6. Ahmed

    New Juve coach, who do you want?

    i think Sven would also do quite matter what he does in his personal life he IS an excellent coach...either him or Mourinho...that guy is also brilliant
  7. Ahmed

    New Juve coach, who do you want?

    u r only underrated when you do not WIN anything...:disagree:
  8. Ahmed

    New Juve coach, who do you want?

    i would like Mourinho...he is brash, arrogant and extremely confident in his abilites...and he also manages a team in the Juve way - not too attacking or too defensive, always with an extremely tight defense and good wingers