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  1. Holdon

    Serie B Season Point : Arezzo - Juventus [05-19-2007]

    Celebration pictures can be found here:
  2. Holdon

    Serie B Season Point : Arezzo - Juventus [05-19-2007]

    I get the felling it'll be a draw, of course I hope I'm wrong and we win.
  3. Holdon

    Serie B Season Point : Arezzo - Juventus [05-19-2007]

    What exactly have Brescia and more to the point, Serafini done since walloping us? Oh that's right, NOTHING!
  4. Holdon

    Serie B Season Point : Arezzo - Juventus [05-19-2007]

    No doubt our opponents will try to play the game of their lives, or the second best after the 1st leg match.