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  1. mikhail

    Boston Legal

  2. mikhail

    Boston Legal

    I'm impressed at the speed with which you followed that up Martin. Valid criticisms, sure, but I enjoy it enough that they're not things which bother me. Yes, Kelley is the guy behind Ally McBeal (and The Practice) though they were different. The Practice in particular was very much more...
  3. mikhail

    Boston Legal

    Could I tempt you into giving the show a go? Checking when its on Dutch TV and watching an episode?
  4. mikhail

    Boston Legal

    Which one? I'd be a bit surprised to find that someone didn't find the first one funny. The second one I can imagine being down to taste though.
  5. mikhail

    Boston Legal

    It's really good. You might also like his Texas death penalty speech. The drama is nice, the friendship between Shore and Crane is at times quite touching, but mostly it's the great lines of dialogue and absurdest comedy that keeps me watching.
  6. mikhail

    Boston Legal

    Denny Crane.
  7. mikhail

    Boston Legal

    Anyone watching this? And if not, why not? Denny Crane and Alan Shore are my favourite comedy duo on TV right now.