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  1. Bozi

    The Official Rejects Thread

    and the award for random post of the month goes to..........:toast:
  2. Bozi

    The Official Rejects Thread

    hey i love my doggie very much ok
  3. Bozi

    The Official Rejects Thread

    hey wouldnt we all love to be rich enough to screw anything with a maldini....or not and get away with it
  4. Bozi

    The Official Rejects Thread

    swap those pro's for hooker-trannies and we have MC's saturday night
  5. Bozi

    The Official Rejects Thread

    thats the dream all you need to do is pose as a rich sand nigel and can emulate me and byron for a weekend
  6. Bozi

    The Official Rejects Thread

    aye.... you recieved one message while you werre offline-"hello" aint that a ratchet to teh crotch, where are you when i am trying to decide what whisky i shall wash down my doobie with?
  7. Bozi

    The Official Rejects Thread

    the person you are messaging gets a wiers surprise when they get online trust me
  8. Bozi

    The Official Rejects Thread

    hey good idea, now...should i mix my drinks and follow a macallan with a glenmorangie or stick to the lovely amber?
  9. Bozi

    The Official Rejects Thread

    if it were more like this i would give you many ideas
  10. Bozi

    The Official Rejects Thread

    i know the feeling- "hey how you doing?" no response "see the game tonight?" no response "man i thought we were lucky, didn't you?" no response "hey man what the fuck?" no response "did i piss you off or something?" no response "dont answer me if you like rubbing oil over the naked...
  11. Bozi

    The Official Rejects Thread

    nice i am going to bed soon...but at teh mment i am sipping a nice oak cask macallan
  12. Bozi

    The Official Rejects Thread

    I tried to get you on msn earlier and you didnt respond
  13. Bozi

    The Official Rejects Thread

    john?man he dissapeared ad didnt want to talk to anyone shame he was a good guy
  14. Bozi

    The Official Rejects Thread

    tahir your thread is up my favourite game is back
  15. Bozi

    The Official Rejects Thread

    for the record british girls probably make american gilrs seem shy and reserved. when you come to england make sure you double wrap your shit, coz i swear first night you will be plumbing an english girl
  16. Bozi

    The Official Rejects Thread

    thats why i love tehm, though british girls are teh easiest meat in the living world, thats why i have been working my way through europe
  17. Bozi

    The Official Rejects Thread

    never thought i would ever say this. i completely agree with EVERY word you said here andy,though its not really her fault. her minge has its own personality and has made her millions of dollars, with the growing stardom it had gained more control over her brain and she no longer can think...
  18. Bozi

    The Official Rejects Thread

    i have had a sneaky supicion that the reason he has been so quiet lately is because he figured out a great marketing strategy he put a big sign outside his house saying "terrorist training camp,next left. only $100US NO REFUND"
  19. Bozi

    The Official Rejects Thread

    why didnt i think of that one? we are like the garbage pail kids
  20. Bozi

    The Official Rejects Thread

    aye buit to password it and only allow us rejects in we would have to have a password blindness option, so that if they can access their thread they cant access this one