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  1. Official: Almiron to Juve

    Great news. 3.5 milion is very good price.
  2. Official: Almiron to Juve

  3. Official: Almiron to Juve

    Bad News... Fiorentina step up plans for Juventus target Almiron - April 24, 2007 The agent of Empoli midfielder Sergio Almiron says Fiorentina and Juventus are going head-to-head for the Argentine. Juve were expected to have a clear run at Almiron, but Claudio Vagheggi...
  4. Official: Almiron to Juve

    I heard that he is playing style is like Veron's so i think that he is great solution in our midfield and if he can be ruler in this area and also have the abilities to make good passings and predict the moves of the opponent. I believe that in the future he will be better player than Vieira.
  5. Official: Almiron to Juve

    Almiron Feels "Ready For Juventus" Empoli midfielder Sergio Almiron spoke about an imminent transfer to a big club. Almiron Feels "Ready For Juventus" At Empoli, over the past three years, he has come to be known known for the contrast between his professional and personal life: a leader and...
  6. Official: Almiron to Juve

    If he said that then bring him. :)