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  1. Cronios

  2. Cronios


    No man, i left Bucharest two weeks ago...:D
  3. Cronios


    I mean what happened in reality, if anyone cares anyway... but i guess ppl loved the film's version more:D Oh well, i m used to it, no point on arguing about, even negative publicity can help some times, i bet today's Sparta will become a little more popular destination from now on:P
  4. Cronios


    IIRC it didnt happened that way, Leonidas said smth like: earth and water you want? go get them...:D Other points of disagreement with history were: -the waves of the Persian army were formed of 10,000 men or so but the Spartans werent fighting alone -the end, of course, was a little...
  5. Cronios


    Thats right! The Greek letter for " L " is " Λ " You can see this letter on their shield...
  6. Cronios


    They are black because the Persian empire was that vast, that extended as far as Egypt/north Africa, an empire of 1000 nations and countless mercenaries included all the races of the region...most likely they were used as translators because of their contact with the Greek civilization through...
  7. Cronios


    Vlatko gives me the opportunity to do a a review, ill do it avoiding spoilers: No, no its not a two hour bloodshed, just a 1.5hour bloodshed:P There is enough time for the story, basically the film is like; Leonidas's biography, it started from his birth and reached up until ... the battle...
  8. Cronios


    He he, i knew you would say smth like that:lol: i dedicate my 7000th post to my dearest Besmir!!:heart:
  9. Cronios


    Actually the epilogue contained a happy ending for the Greeks;) but anyway it was an inside joke comparing it to Gladiator's happy ending (not to mention Braveheart's, oh boy that hurt:lol: )
  10. Cronios


    Since there wasnt any thread about this film i feel obligated to make the proper announcement: Is this the new Gladiator? or just another flop like Alexander? Critics are bitter over comic books ported to cinema chambers, fans are thrilled by the gallons of blood and gore. Whatever the case this...