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  1. .zero


    honestly americans really dont care. as you can see on this forum we are just baffled at why ppl hate americans when it is only in context of u.s. foreign policy; which trickles down to american culture and then the ppl somehow. trust me, americans really dont care if they are depicted as...
  2. .zero


    tell iran that
  3. .zero


  4. .zero


    @ sianconero: dude its just a f*cking movie!!! calm the f*ck down! its amazing how you're conspiracy theory runs from a comic book artist (frank miller) secretly teaming up with the powers of the U.S. to subliminally take shots at iran. get off all this socio-political bullsh*t.
  5. .zero


    tell me about it:pumpkin:
  6. .zero


    well iran considers it propaganda on a blue screen, thus making it epic propaganda :D