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  1. Bozi

    Your all-time favourite movie

    both serpico and dog day afternoon are superb, back then pacino was churning out terrific performances like a machine.
  2. Bozi

    Your all-time favourite movie

    :oops: aye typo there agreed he is superb in there,i wasnt sure i would buy him as a psycho but.... ghandi who?? though if you want terrifying it has to be de niro in cape fear:shocked:
  3. Bozi

    Your all-time favourite movie

    sure gladiator was a great film and russel crowe actually puts in an excellent performance but it can be the best ever. i own lots of classice de niro and pacino films and would rather watch them to some of the pish quoted as favourites "torque" get the hell outta here.......... but then...
  4. Bozi

    Your all-time favourite movie

    the pianist is a great movie and i have sooooo many film i love but if i had to pick one.............. The Usual Suspects floats my boat