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  1. Cronios

    Ferguson: Juve Should Keep Deschamps

    You "invincible" devil:devil: thank you for your efforts, on improving my ENG:D
  2. Cronios

    Ferguson: Juve Should Keep Deschamps

    He wants Lippi now, because he thinks he is playing with his rules, not because he wants a challenge, Man Un material will probably lead the EPL the next 2 years to come:smoke: If he wants a challenge, i challenge him to come and coach Juve now, make us competitive, win the championship...
  3. Cronios

    Ferguson: Juve Should Keep Deschamps

    This thread is full of funny posts, but the lamest joke was Ferguson's, its not the first time he said a stupid thing anyway... He will regret the day Lippi will step a foot on the island, Fergie thinks he is invisible now and invites Lippi right after he owned Mourinho...