Search results

  1. Cheers,Seinfeld or Freinds?

    That's really tempting, but unfortunately, illegal cable is not allowed here:D
  2. Cheers,Seinfeld or Freinds?

    Is Star World a show time channel too??
  3. Cheers,Seinfeld or Freinds?

    Show Time??
  4. Cheers,Seinfeld or Freinds?

    Who remembers that comedy British show that was about some guys who are working in a store for selling women clothes. One of them was gay. That was really a cheap show...
  5. Cheers,Seinfeld or Freinds?

    Stripper, may I ask you where you watch all these programmes?? I mean we live in the same region, and never heard about that "Coupling"..
  6. Cheers,Seinfeld or Freinds?

    Joey Tribiani is the best.. Look at this link. They are analysing episodes in a complicated way:irritated :