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    The Financial Situation

    The wifi is so bad in Colombia that a lot of the times streams are unwatchable. I wish there was some way for me to watch the games without interruption. Juventus games are sometimes on Colombian tv but its hard to know what channels. Also on the topic of Colombian coverage of Juventus.... the...

    The Financial Situation

    Whats the alternative? Darmien and Can? Maybe Bellerin? I can see the likes of Real, Barca and Bayern shaking. We need to find the money otherwise we are going to fall drastically. And I hope to god the solution isn't selling Dybala. I'm sick of us being a feeder club selling our only world...

    The Financial Situation

    If Buffon retires after this season then we are going to need a serious rebuild and a lot of money to do it. This would mean in less than 3 years we will have lost Pogba, Vidal, Pirlo, Bonnuci and Buffon. 5 genuinely world class players. To date we have simply not even come close to replacing...