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  1. Badass J Elkann


    heaven really then wud be a place on earth :)
  2. Badass J Elkann


    it wud certainly smell nicer
  3. Badass J Elkann


    im sure jz will be back online soon enough hehe, just pulling a leg
  4. Badass J Elkann


    lol u need to follow your 'club' a bit more. slaaaaaaaaayed by the viking hordes :D
  5. Badass J Elkann


    lol, they stole one of the drughi banners, so we did it back to them, then the drughi put on a stunt in which 1 would act as a policeman and arrest their leader, and force them to trade over the 2 banners, which caused such humiliation to them, they decided to disband