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  1. Midzata®

    Lampard To Juve ??? I Doubt

    I bet the oposite! The man alredy stated that he'll take a break & he'll join Italian time only. Not from abroad. I tried! They said I need brain implanted first Yes!
  2. Midzata®

    Lampard To Juve ??? I Doubt

    Call the jerk whatever you want! He fas very useful I didn't care if his role suppost to be SS or FC, his contribution to the team was enormous! If he learns how to score he would be the best? Damn wright! Now pray that he doesn't! His clumsy 30% when he plays but in the rest 70%, almost...
  3. Midzata®

    Lampard To Juve ??? I Doubt

    The bastard was wroten "I'm monster" all over hi forehead! He was strongest attacker we've had! The first season was very good, but the seccond avesome. YES, he didn't scored goals! Did you look at his No. of assists? Whenever we played against some team, the poorones had to put 2 players...
  4. Midzata®

    Lampard To Juve ??? I Doubt

    They don't have at the moment. But if Jose leaves, many will follow! I wanted to tell that I don't want that to happen in order to benefit from the situation. Like Inter did with us, and the rest teams. Barca paid a fair price to be honest, Real aproximately... But inter were holding to...
  5. Midzata®

    Lampard To Juve ??? I Doubt

    If Mourinho leaves a lot of players won't stay at The Blues! Terry, Lamp, are waiting to see what happens to Jose so they can decide for the future. Also we can try with Robben! He'll definitely leave! But I don't wish that to Chelsea, caz I don't want for us to profit from other teams...