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  1. Cuti

    Lampard To Juve ??? I Doubt

    my god :disagree:
  2. Cuti

    Lampard To Juve ??? I Doubt

    You think you won't find stronger than: Nedved-----------Tiago--------Lampard---------Camo? i know we are Juve fans but don't exaggerate It would be a stong midfield, but not the strongest
  3. Cuti

    Lampard To Juve ??? I Doubt

    so clever reading part of the quote only, you must have gotten many diplomas learning how to do that.
  4. Cuti

    Lampard To Juve ??? I Doubt

    before you start speaking shit look at what i've said. About Tiago i said: I haven't seen him much, but when i saw him in the champions league he impressed me. And i watch most of the epl matches, most of Lampard's goals are deflected in, or from penalties, yes every now and again he has some...
  5. Cuti

    Lampard To Juve ??? I Doubt

    in the world cup how many shots did lampard have? like 30 and he didn't score one goal, he even missed a penalty in the shoot out!
  6. Cuti

    Lampard To Juve ??? I Doubt

    Lampard is older and more expensive than Tiago, so we don't need Frankie
  7. Cuti

    Lampard To Juve ??? I Doubt

    he is loved at chelsea, and has a secured starting spot, no matter how shit he plays, he is like Del Piero at Juve in other words
  8. Cuti

    Lampard To Juve ??? I Doubt

    Lampard can leave for 8 million cause he falls into that clause of Uefa
  9. Cuti

    Lampard To Juve ??? I Doubt

    i translated already, dainelli lover. nabil told you to get your ass on msn
  10. Cuti

    Lampard To Juve ??? I Doubt

    he said chelsea is his home. For a more extensive translation, find someone who gives a shit :D
  11. Cuti

    Lampard To Juve ??? I Doubt

    « | » Lampard smentisce frattura col Chelsea: 'Questa è la mia casa' 18:34 del 22 maggio Frank LampardIl centrocampista del Chelsea, Franck Lampard, ha smentito le voci, sempre più insistenti, circolate nei giorni scorsi su alcuni tabloid inglesi di una insanabile frattura con la...
  12. Cuti

    Lampard To Juve ??? I Doubt

    if Liverpool bid for Trez, Chelsea will offer double. Look what happened with Mikel and Shawn Wright-Phillips. Man Utd got Mikel for 4 million, so chelsea gave utd 12 million gave Lynn 4 million and took Mikel for four times the price utd were getting him! Same with SWP they spent at least 24...
  13. Cuti

    Lampard To Juve ??? I Doubt

    i think trez would be perfect for Chelsea to partner Drogba, as Drogba fights for the ball and sometimes has no-one to pass it to
  14. Cuti

    Lampard To Juve ??? I Doubt

    i'd be happier if it was trezeguet for crespo and robben, but lampard would be ok.
  15. Cuti

    Lampard To Juve ??? I Doubt

    maybe Lampard's wife saw Buffon's wife and liked what she saw :D
  16. Cuti

    Lampard To Juve ??? I Doubt

    lampard is still young. I don't think he will go to USA till after he is 32, and almost finished. Cause now he is earning good money and is a competitor