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  1. - vOnAm -

    Lampard To Juve ??? I Doubt

    Juve was the bait for contract extensions? Lamp's agent did a good job no doubt.
  2. - vOnAm -

    Lampard To Juve ??? I Doubt

    Sounds more like an opinion that facts. I didn't know there was a timelimit to buyout your contract. I'm pretty sure we can still ask Lampard to buy out his contract thus we wont have to make a bid that Chelsea CAN reject. correct me if im wrong.
  3. - vOnAm -

    Lampard To Juve ??? I Doubt

    Yeah but they both have technique much much higer than that of Lampard thats what im thinkin. I can't believe Im doubting Lampard, Im actually quite fond of him since his westham days. Im just not convinced he should be the priority target to fill the AMC position.
  4. - vOnAm -

    Lampard To Juve ??? I Doubt

    I don't think he will fit, I mean Lamp can play that role but Im not sure it'll work for him here in serie A. U can't play the kick and rush game here. And so I'd guess he needs to be more technical to play that role in serie A, like what Kaka did in 2005/2006 season, even that didn't work...
  5. - vOnAm -

    Lampard To Juve ??? I Doubt

    Like I've said before, he is very mobile and has an eye for goal. But Im not so sure he will do as well in serie A. I personally don't think the price is too expensive (transfer+salary combined) regardless of what people think. I just dont have a clear idea on where he might fit in.
  6. - vOnAm -

    Lampard To Juve ??? I Doubt

    I was contradicting somebody who said Lampard can't pass more than 5 yards, i didnt meant it to be a significant sign of his passing abilities. I don't think Lampard has superb passing, although he does frequently play the good long balls. For his transfer pice and salary he might be a good...
  7. - vOnAm -

    Lampard To Juve ??? I Doubt

    Lampard can pass more than 5 yards, he plays the long balls to drogba. His technique and ball control IS average, and his shots aren't exactly the best. I would definately rate Gerrard above him.
  8. - vOnAm -

    Lampard To Juve ??? I Doubt

    Its rather a bargain IMO. A very BIG discount price.
  9. - vOnAm -

    Lampard To Juve ??? I Doubt

    Lampard is a great attacking midfielder, it would be great to land him, and considering Chelsea are abondunt in that area, they might be willing to release one of them, although I doubt Lampard would be the guy. Anyways, I'd welcome lampard at Juve, he's got a nedved-like work ethic
  10. - vOnAm -

    Lampard To Juve ??? I Doubt

    Lampard is very offensive, Gerrard is more balanced and complete. Gerrad is definately the better buy, but none will come, Lampard although there is a release clause won't accept a Juve offer (atleast Im almost quite certain) and Gerrard would cost a ton.
  11. - vOnAm -

    Lampard To Juve ??? I Doubt

    This is total nonsense. I can guarentee you Lampard aint comin to turin to play for us next season.
  12. - vOnAm -

    Lampard To Juve ??? I Doubt

    Lampard doesnt suck, I rate him quite highly although I must say he is less complete/balanced than Gerrard. But I doubt he can do well at Juve, Gerrard would do much much better. But I'd rather not comment much coz I don't see either happening. I don't understand why the hell we are linked...