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  1. #10

    Lampard To Juve ??? I Doubt

    Your werent complaining when Ian was still about? I think the Barca fan base problem is an over hyped issue. The constant abuse of Maher is pretty lame, i suspect he merely reacts to the constant abuse.
  2. #10

    Lampard To Juve ??? I Doubt

    Anybody, as long as they stayed back, but also allowed him to pick the ball off the CB feet as well. As he annoyingly does for England. Thought you might know that one :P
  3. #10

    Lampard To Juve ??? I Doubt

    True, not entirely build around him, but he has to have a big man he can play off (drog) with wide men he can feed (Cole and Robben).
  4. #10

    Lampard To Juve ??? I Doubt

    JC was welsh and proud. So was Rushie. David Platt played for us, largely based on scoreing a ridiculous volley in the world cup. And he was English.
  5. #10

    Lampard To Juve ??? I Doubt

    Paul Ince did reasonably well, the fans and Morratti loved him. Gazza did well also, apart from when he was injured. The English players dont tend to travel as there is always high deman for them in England. Its reasonably rare for English players to leave, in comparison to most other nations.
  6. #10

    Lampard To Juve ??? I Doubt

    He isnt a Kaka, but he has decent passing skills. And i hate to say it, but his long range shooting maybe quite profitable. He would walk into most Serie A sides imho. Inter? easily. Maybe not Ac Milan or even Roma, but the majority he would very well in.
  7. #10

    Lampard To Juve ??? I Doubt

    I watch every week, nigh on everytime Skysports news is on. He is overated, his 20 plus goals come largely down to the vast amounts of shots he has. He is not crap, but he is not world class, he hasnt got the magic required you see in such players as Gerrard and Kaka.
  8. #10

    Lampard To Juve ??? I Doubt

    I think he will do well in italy, he may has the work ethic to do well.
  9. #10

    Lampard To Juve ??? I Doubt

    Lamps is most defo not shit. But then he isnt exactly world class in terms of talent. He can shoot ( a lot), he can run ( without actually going anywhere), he can pass (long range lumping up the pitch) . He isnt in Gerrards league and it would be nice if Chelsea fans recognise it.
  10. #10

    Lampard To Juve ??? I Doubt

    I used to think that and to some extent i still agee with that opinion. But his hard work in the chelsea jersey must be respected. He is consistant and does everything a cmf should do. No he isn the best at tacling but i closes down well and tracks back, important aspects in defending as a...
  11. #10

    Lampard To Juve ??? I Doubt

    Lamp's wife is Catalan, so if she was boss, it would be back to Barca for her. But i wouldnt rule him out tho.....
  12. #10

    Lampard To Juve ??? I Doubt

    Well my family and friends in the US all know about Lamps 3 billion shots a game routine, id say Lamps is quite well known. I agree , especially regarding the toughness facter....Stevie G is hard, fookin Gerrard as the scouse say, but Lamps isnt even Schole terrier tough, he merely runs about...