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  1. Juve_Kosova

    Javier Saviola

    To the idiot that gave me Neg Rep for this post, leave your name next time.. Idiot!.. No I havent watched enough matches, but i have def read enough to know that the kid isent what some people hope he is and will become.. I hope he can prove me wrong.. But I still think Saviola for now, is...
  2. Juve_Kosova

    Javier Saviola

    You know what I meant.. Anyway, forget it.. Imo getting Saviola for free is not bad at all!.. And Palla should be sold or moved on loan.. He is not showing what he should to remain in a team like Juve.. My Opinion.. :)
  3. Juve_Kosova

    Javier Saviola

    Because Palladino is an AMATUER compered to Saviola...!!!
  4. Juve_Kosova

    Javier Saviola

    Its kind of that formation Roma plays with right?.. I hope DD will build a team (next season) around that formation.. 4-3-3 or 4-3-1-2 something like that...
  5. Juve_Kosova

    Javier Saviola

    Saviola is a great player in my opinion!! And he is FREE!! I hope the club can convince him to join us!