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  1. Max

    Serie B: Mantova vs Juventus - [13/01/2007]

    Really? Wow, that's screwy. I guess it's a waste of a T and an O to put it in Buffalo, eh? :D
  2. Max

    Serie B: Mantova vs Juventus - [13/01/2007]

    Hey, it's everybody's favourite Buffalotonian! Let's kick Zalayeta around a bit, shall we? :D
  3. Max

    Serie B: Mantova vs Juventus - [13/01/2007]

    And what are you basing this on? The media spilling all of this bullshit from Bojinov's agent? Personally, I haven't heard the player openly complain about his role, or lack of it, in the squad. Here's an idea: have Bojinov start three matches in a row like Zalayeta did and then judge him.