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  1. Pinturrichio

    Lucho Gonzalez

    lucho gonzales is better than all inter argentine players put toghether... :D im kidding, but he is really a good player.... and we kind of lack south american players in our squad... so i wont mind having 3 south americans.. not more i mean inter oftenly fielded 9 southamericans in one...
  2. Pinturrichio

    Lucho Gonzalez

    nope doesnt really mean anything your right.. however still nice words.. actions speek louder than words butttt.... damn it was great having him at the center of our defence... and now we got to watch boumsoung ... thats nice
  3. Pinturrichio

    Lucho Gonzalez

    i know its got nothing to do but i dont know were to submit this post.. on winning the fifa world player 2006 award, Cannavaro said "it has been an amazing year for himself, winning the ITALIAN LEAGUE, world cup and pallone doro " i know we all turned out to hate me , and we are mroe than...
  4. Pinturrichio

    Lucho Gonzalez

    he is not exactly a defensive midfielder, he is a pure central midfieder, i think he fits very very well working with a defensive midfidler, if wed have mascherano- lucho gonzales id go crazy... if we keep playing in a 4 4 2 formation he fits in veryy wellll... even in an eventual 4 3 1 2 or...
  5. Pinturrichio

    Lucho Gonzalez

    In Portogallo c'è una squadra che sta dominando il campionato. Il Porto è infatti in testa alla classifica a quota 37 punti (frutto di dodici vittorie, un pareggio ed una sconfitta) con cinque lunghezze di vantaggio sullo Sporting Lisbona e ben undici sul Benfica di Miccoli. La squadra allenata...
  6. Pinturrichio

    Lucho Gonzalez

    Iiiiiiii loveee this postt :D :D lucho gonzales, mmy dream player in central midfield, complete player, with tendency to score goals, he is still young.. i really like this playerr :D as regards to pepe he only seems to impress when atacking corners, but as a defender i know pretty little about him