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  1. Lawnchair Bes

    Juve Material !!

    but denco is right, in the fact that a player like totti would be played out of position and eventually not shine, making us, the fans, all the more frustrated
  2. Lawnchair Bes

    Juve Material !!

    now all you need is paul
  3. Lawnchair Bes

    Juve Material !!

    that would be fun to read.
  4. Lawnchair Bes

    Juve Material !!

    i dont know man. saying that WTC were very ugly buildings and it was a good thing that they were bombed down on 9/11's anniversary is almost as good
  5. Lawnchair Bes

    Juve Material !!

    no, we love him because he promised to leave about 6-7 times and always came back, once as his brother
  6. Lawnchair Bes

    Juve Material !!

    they are british. his father was a west ham fan, his father's father was a west ham fan
  7. Lawnchair Bes

    Juve Material !!

    so who did that?
  8. Lawnchair Bes

    Juve Material !!

    either way, you gave me a conversation topic with one of my profs. he is a west ham fan
  9. Lawnchair Bes

    Juve Material !!

    well you really want me to explain this? i actually did mean it about the naivity then i saw the comment and i couldnt help taking a shot at you, been too long
  10. Lawnchair Bes

    Juve Material !!

    paul i might hate the new kids just as much as you but ... i forgot what i was gonna say
  11. Lawnchair Bes

    Juve Material !!

    this sounds like an opinion to me
  12. Lawnchair Bes

    Juve Material !!

    that the new kids do not respect you. that they do not know that you know so much about juve that anything you say is the absolute truth. that your opinion is fact. yeah on a more serious note, i actually meant the naivity (is that a word) of some so called juventus fans
  13. Lawnchair Bes

    Juve Material !!
