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  1. CL: Juventus - Real Madrid

    ooops sorry for posting the same thing twice guys! :doh: But Juve certainly impressed me tonight.... I was expecting some sort of 90 minute torture session, and instead....we taught those arrogant all-stars a lesson! And I'm glad Ronaldo is going to have a season to mirror Inter's...
  2. CL: Juventus - Real Madrid

    Actually, the banner is an italian pun..... In Italian, blind and Czech are both 'Ceko', therefore, the banner reads "Sorry Zidane but love is blind/Czech" Quite clever don't you think?
  3. CL: Juventus - Real Madrid

    ++ [ originally posted by fabiana-juve ] ++ haha haha ahahaha Il tifo bianconero non dimentica Zidane ma oggi è per Nedved. "sorry zidane but the love is czech" (?) (from the czech republic) Actually, the banner is an italian pun..... In Italian, blind and Czech are both...