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  1. Bozi

    Are you watching?

    to be honest no i was given a terry pratchett book years ago but someone nicked it before i got to read it father ted was awesome, you should look out for a new comedy called the IT crowd, from teh same people absolutely hilarious
  2. Bozi

    Are you watching?

    had 3 red dwarf books, i loved that programme:agree:
  3. Bozi

    Are you watching?

    blackadder was genius i have just finished watching lost season 2 and downloading series 3 as i am too impatient to wait anther week for it to start, first episode of series 3 screws with your ehad though
  4. Bozi

    Are you watching?

    started to watch invasion and got pissed at it, no tension,no real drama and no real good reason to continue watching it roll on the new series of 24