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  1. .zero

    Emerson Wanted Juve Stay

    since all those that left us have talked shit one way or the other after or upon departure... even everyones "beloved" cannavaro whom juve fans hold to some high regard for god knows what reason, here is all i gotta say about them :P :faq1: canna :faq1: zambo (i regret it tho) :faq1: thuram...
  2. .zero

    Emerson Wanted Juve Stay

    find it for the kids
  3. .zero

    Emerson Wanted Juve Stay

    ok well then :faq1: zambo too :D
  4. .zero

    Emerson Wanted Juve Stay

    both you and jeeks are rite but most of us comdemned those that left as mercs and then they themselves propgated the situation if they opened their mouths about the club with negative connotations... i.e. good ol' lilian. but what i never understood was that why wasnt zambo and canna ever called...