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  1. Geof

    Uefa fears for international game

    If I was a judge, the case would be pretty simple: clubs employ the players, train them etc. Like any company does with it's employees. All of a sudden, another organisation (be it FIFA, UEFA, or national FA's) comes, takes the players away from their clubs for a few days/weeks(including...
  2. Geof

    Uefa fears for international game

    :disagree: Not true. You're confusing Charleroi and Beveren. Charleroi has no link whatsoever with Arsenal. At least nothing official. idem
  3. Geof

    Uefa fears for international game

    and btw a year and four days ago:
  4. Geof

    Uefa fears for international game

    Drama Queens!! This stuff ain't new. UEFA should have done somethging about it a long long time ago. They exagerate the thing so much, just trying to be the victims of the whole system. Idiots.