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  1. Jun-hide

    Croatian NT Thread

    Just to point out on the lack of England's ability to conjure up some creative passing from midfield, the contrast could not have been sharper than old dog Milan Rapaijc marshalling the play down the flanks for Croatia. Oh boy didn't he give Ashley Cole some tough time with his clever movement...
  2. Jun-hide

    Croatian NT Thread

    I feel sorry for Robinson, I really do. But I still can't help myself but laugh my head off!:lol:. Personally, I don't mind playing 3-5-2 formation, but to me for the system to work, what you must have is a outstanding teamwork to cover your fellow team-mates and sheer athelticism, work-rate...
  3. Jun-hide

    Croatian NT Thread

    vlatko, I must admit that my impression of Croatia is largely based on their disappointing WC 2006 display. My impression was that Croatia, bar Austrailia match, was excellent in their organization and defence but lacked that final cutting edge up front. But yeah, it does sound like...
  4. Jun-hide

    Croatian NT Thread

    Not a fan of English style even if they do have one of the strongest teams around. But I can feel for their fans though: After years of incompetent Svennis, now they have equal counterpart in Steve McLaren. Where do think Steve was while Sven was f*cking about? English FA IMO is up there with...