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  1. AzzurriGirl

    Juve Fever ??

    What a great thread this has turned out to be. Some additional thoughts... Last night watching Domenica Sportiva you could see a stressed out AC Milan...discussion as to why they are not scoring. And then total turmoil and Mancini trying to explain away their problems. And...
  2. AzzurriGirl

    Juve Fever ??

    I like that...."What doesn't kill us, makes us stronger" They can't kill us and we will come back even stronger! Juve per sempre!
  3. AzzurriGirl

    Juve Fever ??

    Wow Zizoufan I was surprised but happy to see a thread born from something I mentioned in a post. I do think a new era has begun for Juventus. There is a special and different kind of spirit to the team these days. It's the older players inspiring the younger/newer ones. It the common goal...