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  1. maxi

    Real Scandal Here...

    The title reads "I was spying for Inter"Basically says that the ex head of security for Telecom has issued a statement via his lawyer saying that there was a spying operation set up against the ref De Santis. This was put into motion by the top members of Inter and a investigative agency called...
  2. maxi

    Real Scandal Here...

    From Gazzetta dello Sport: Tavaroli: "Spiavo per l'Inter" L'ex dirigente Telecom indica nei nerazzurri i committenti dei controlli su De Santis. L'investigatore Cipriani: "Più di una squadra in ufficio". Martedì Moratti vede Borrelli Massimo Moratti, patron dell'Inter. AnsaMILANO, 1 ottobre...