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  1. Guzzler

    Mel speaks out

    Yes he did!!
  2. Guzzler

    Mel speaks out

    You may have a big strong army blah blah blah so did the english in India in 1947. What about the big strong english army in Ireland? Chased by the people, you may have a big army and a big bother in Bush but you will never beat an army that you cant see, i believe the term gurilla warfare is...
  3. Guzzler

    Mel speaks out

    YES YOU ARE!!! despite all your attempts as you admitted! "there were a couple of preemptive campaigns"
  4. Guzzler

    Mel speaks out

    Thats quite true. But there is an old irish saying, "People in glass houses shouldnt throw bricks" Imperialistic nations, it will always come back to haunt you!!
  5. Guzzler

    Mel speaks out

    I believe Mel Gibson has allegedly said: “Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world,” Well, theyre kinda responsible for at least one!!! He may be a douche bag but i think there is a lot of high feelings about whats going on in Lebenon at the moment.